A daily dose of creative suspense.


Finally Understanding your Teenager! Cartoon

If you have a teenager, if you ever were a teenager or if you have a baby- YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS CARTOON about how we learn. Its so exciting. I think every parent and teacher should be tied to a chair, their eyes held open with metal clamps and be forced to watch this cartoon! So watch it- damn it!

Born to Learn from Born to Learn on Vimeo.

Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs – My Modern Metropolis – StumbleUpon

Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs – 

Click on Photo to see it move

Take the time to check out these really cool photo combined with video. Just a tiny piece is moving – very fun!

I found a tutorial on how to do this! I so want to try it.

An Aesthetic Discourse. -Christopher

Christopher talks about how he attempted to do it-

“So what I did was to pull the video into Photoshop, choose the section of video I wanted, saved the video, and then imported video frames as layers.

Note: If you need to open up Photoshop in 32-bit mode on a mac, just right click the program, click “Get info” and then check the “open in 32-bit mode” option. You will now be able to import video frames as layers.

Once I had the layers in I cropped the photo and masked out the area I wanted to present in the photo as moving. In this case, I had an easy job doing so because the background (and foreground) wasn’t altered around the men talking. This is the longest part of the process.

One thing I was not able to figure out was how to make the last frame and the first frame flawlessly flow together. To remedy this I just reversed the frames. This will not always work, though.

At the end I selected “New Layers Visible in All Frames” under the animation menu and made new adjustment layers to edit levels and curves and such. This way I was able to edit every layer below at the same time.

Here is my finished GIF:

I think you have to click on the Photo to make it work.

Here are some tips that I have learned in attempting my own cinemagraph:

  • When beginning, choose a subject that is not being interfered with much, if at all.
  • Choose a background that is not changing (for instance, a brick wall or building. Trees are constantly moving and will provide much of a challenge your first time through.
  • Do not use photos, the best option is video.
A video showing how to make cinemagraphs

Fernando J Baez who had posted a link to his how-to on his blog. You can see his tutorial here.